Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I've Noticed Some Things... (addressing the hate?)

Hello everyone. If you've come looking for a fashion post, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. In fact, I've come to bring to your attention some things i've noticed on our channel that honestly make my heart hurt. I've always enjoyed youtube greatly. I enjoy filming and planning videos and even editing, but in the past couple months some comments that we have got are less than encouraging. Yes, "haters gonna hate" etc, but I (both of us) feel inclined to say something. Now, these comments are not aimed towards me, they are aimed at Lauren. Many of them say "Emery should start her own channel" or, "Lauren is always so mean to Emery". What I want you to understand is that Lauren is my best friend. We, as we have mentioned before, are sarcastic at times, this is our humour. People don't understand that we are joking with each other most of the time. If she was abusive or mean to me I would not tolerate it. If I didn't enjoy doing youtube with Lauren I would have made my own channel a long time ago. When we started YT, filming was something that we looked  forwards to and truly did enjoy! I still enjoy filming videos and watching our quality improve, but not as much as I used to. And that may be because I have felt the lack of enthusiasm in Lauren to film. I read the comments that she gets, (I really do read all of your comments btw) and if I were in her shoes I would feel very discouraged. Some people's faces aren't happy and pleasant all of the time. Lauren is one of those people. Just because she isn't smiling doesn't mean she's unhappy our sour on the inside. I Know her better than anyone else, and I can tell you that she is genuinely kind and does have peoples best interest at heart, and is also greatly hurt by some of the comments that we get. So if you think that a nasty comment won't be read or noticed, think again. I encourage you to think before you speak (or type). And to the vast majority of you that uplift and encourage us, It really does mean a lot! Also, please don't take this as a Plea for pity or that we may be quitting youtube soon, because this is just one grain of sand on our beach (oh, the cliché) and we won't be stopped by something as small as a few negative comments.  I love seeing our subscriber count go up as our videos get better and better and more complex! This is just a reminder that your words can hurt just as much as they can inspire one to greatness. Everyone has their highs and lows. 
Xx. Emery 

Friday, January 2, 2015

10 Life Practices For A Happier You.

I hate the term "new years resolutions" it speaks as if we can change our entire selves overnight, which we can't. instead, I've created a list of general guidelines to keep in mind in my daily life.

1. Enjoy The Little Things.
Just take a look around. You'll find beauty in things you never took the time to notice before. Whenever i'm having a bad day, even something as simple as petting my dogs will cheer me up. I share some of my favorite little things in my previous post.

2. Do More Than What's Asked.
Going above and beyond is a great way to improve upon your skills, and leads to a final product that you are truly happy with. 

3. Stay Organized.
I have always struggled with this. I am, for lack of better words, messy. Whenever my life is tidy, my mind is tidy and I feel so much more in control. "organized desk, organized life."

4. Don't Be Over Critical Of Your Body.
Big nose, overbite, little eyes, big hands. These have always been my biggest insecurities over the years. I have learned to let go and realize that there is nothing that I can do about them other than stop hating them.  I have always felt like everyone is constantly noticing, when really...they aren't. Whatever sticks out to you, I'm sure is just another feature to everyone else.

5. Don't Compare Your Beginning To Someone Else's Middle.
I saw this quote on Pinterest and it really made sense to me. I constantly look at other blogggers and youtubers and think "I'm not nearly that good" when they've been at it for many years and this is my first year. Just keep doing your best and you will arrive where you want to be.

6. Treat Yourself. 
Or, "treat yo-self" in the words of Parks and Recreation. Buy yourself flowers, get a massage (it works wonders), or take a bath filled to the top with fluffy bubbles. It's nice to relax one in a while.

7. Stop Procrastinating.
Do I really need to explain this one? It makes #2 much easier, and you will be less stressed about deadlines if you just "get 'er done" Trust me.

8. Learn To Be Content.
Nothing seems as nice once it's actually yours. I personally need to be content with what I do have instead of always wanting more, which leads me to my next tip.

9. Less Is More.
Living a de-cluttered life allows you to appreciate what you have, and also know where everything is and stay more organized, as #3 shows.

10. Smile More. 
This one is not that hard, yet it makes a world of difference. Try it right now. Don't you instantly feel happier? I don't know why this works, but whenever I feel down I put my biggest grin on and I instantly start to feel better.