Thursday, September 18, 2014

Instagram Favs.

As much as I would like to say I'm perfect and don't pick favorites, I do. In fact I'm coming to you live from geometry class,which is not my favorite. {oops} As y'all know, I'm slightly addicted to Instagram. And taking my Instagram pictures might as well be a sport, I mean there's lighting, angles, space, saturation. you get the gist. Over the almost year that Lauren and I have been around the fashion scene I've taken some pictures that if I do say so myself, are pretty great. 

I took this one after school while I was waiting for my brother to pick his trumpet up from the rental shop. It had just been on of those days that your really do physically need a venti.

This was probably taken around 3:30 am. Lets just say that I'm a night owl and I could teach a class on procrastination, especially when it comes to packing. I was laying my clothes out for a beach day when I realized how perfect they looked together!

This vest. ohhhhh this vest. The j.crew herringbone vest has been called many things and it is most likeley to be called "bæ" or "my love" that how much I love this vest, so when I got it, I obviously HAD to Instagram it.

I often say that fall is my favorite season. But the more I think about it, Early Spring is my favorite, followed by fall. This Picture is actually from a lookbook and the weather was absolutely perfect!

It was a dark and stormy...Saturday. Lauren and I ate brunch at the fresh market and strolled to the Lilly store where I found this gorgeous top.

This picture is also from early spring. It was finally warm and we had just taken the cover off of our pool, and I loved the contrast between the light blue and bright red.

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